Why are 250 acres so important?

Currently, the ‘green lungs’ that surround Diseworth include 250 acres of productive agricultural land, some owned by East Midlands Airport farmed by tenants, and some privately owned which  Segro PLC have the option to buy, and in conjunction with EMA build warehousing and other industrial units.

What does 250 acres of grade 3A farmland represent in Diseworth?

As part of a mixed farm rotation including grass and other forage crops for livestock, an acre of arable land can produce 3.4 tonnes of wheat which is equivalent to around 5.600 loaves (farming.uk.com, 2019 and grains.co.za, 2015). Grade 3A is good quality agricultural land — land which can consistently produce moderate to high yields of a reduced variety of arable crops, such as cereals (CPRE.org.uk, 2022 and lra.co.uk, 2023).At a time when self-sustainability is key, how can the concreting over of this land be more beneficial than the production of food?

The land is rich with biodiversity habitats, including hedgerows, trees, and wildlife. 130 of the wildlife species listed as priorities under the Government’s Bio Diversity action plan (BAP) live and thrive in hedgerows including the harvest mouse, foraging bats, and roosting birds. Beyond the benefits to wildlife,  hedgerows play an important role on farmland ensuring soils remain healthy and reducing the impacts of flooding and droughts’(soilassociation.org, 2023).

 The land has a number of mature trees which are home to many different species. They provide shade, habitats, food, absorb water, enrich soil, producing oxygen whilst absorbing carbon dioxide. Felling and replacing mature trees with saplings is reported as being ineffective, ecocide or greenwashing. NOTHING replaces a healthy mature tree. The benefits of trees and woods on our mental and physical health are well-documented. As well as improving air quality they provide a space for people to relax and exercise, which helps cast off mental fatigue and improve memory and cognitive function.(woodlandtrust.org.uk, 2017). Currently people  can cycle, ride, jog, run and walk along Hyam’s Lane and Long Mere Lane and benefit from fresh air and space.

This will no longer be the situation should warehousing go ahead, instead there will be 24/7 noise, light and air pollution.

 Will you want to still do the activities you currently enjoy along these well-established lanes?

Who wants this for their neighbourhood? We certainly do not!

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