News & Information

A letter from Nick Rushton, our local Council Representative. Member for the Long Whatton and Diseworth Ward – NWLDC Member for the Valley Division – Leicestershire County Council

Nicholas Rushton

22nd February 2024

Dear Protect Diseworth

Re: Your Village meeting on 26th February 2024

Firstly, my apologies for being unable to attend as I normally would. However, I'm away on a pre-planned holiday with my wife, booked before I knew of your meeting.

Diseworth is "under attack" on three fronts: -

1. SEGRO and the Airport.

2. NW Leicestershire's local plan consultation on the proposed new development at Isley Walton (Isley Fields as they like to call it).

3. A huge solar farm on the fields near The Moto facility.


As at 1st Feb 2024, we now have three  planning / scoping applications in NWLDC's pipeline
for land within and abutting our Parish.

They are summarised below, with a link to our response to each one.

Within our Parish:
Solar Farm at Donington Services (MOTO)
- NWLDC Planning Reference: 23/01712/FULM

Within our Parish:
EMA's EIA* for land south of A453 to Hyams Lane
- NWLDC Planning Reference 24/00072/EAS
. NWLDC Planning Reference: 23/01712/FULM

Bordering the west of our Parish
NWLDC's IEAfor Isley Woodhouse New Town Proposal
- NWLDC Planning Reference 23/01697/EAS

*IEA = Environmental Impact Assessment

You can view each of the applications at this link
Enter the relevant Planning Reference Number in the Search Box.
Or email your comments to: 

Protect Diseworth Dialogue Article February 2024 Issue

The Freeport land (all of that from the village up to Moto and A453) has been put into the draft local plan……..

The land for the Isley Walton “new settlement” has also been put into the draft local plan…….

…press release have been very successful, each attracting thousands of “hits.”

The consultation on the local plan mentioned will be critical. We will let you know via Facebook and both the Village and Protect Diseworth websites when this issue needs your action. The more individual local reactions, the better.

We intend to arrange a village meeting as soon as we have more detailed information to share.

The saying goes, “everyone needs a farmer three times a day, for breakfast, lunch and dinner”, but
globally we are currently experiencing changes to climate resulting in disruption to food production
and resulting food insecurity.

The food and drink sector is the UK’s largest manufacturing industry, bigger than the aerospace and
automotive industries combined.

UK consumers have become used to cheap and readily available food over recent decades, due to
financial support for the sector from EU subsidies...

Innovation will be a key component to sustainably boost production... increasingly turbulent climate will have an effect on global food supplies...

To find out if we can support your innovative idea, please get in touch

The leaflet aims to provide a guide and talking points to add to children's enjoyment of our local countryside and surroundings, and hopefully, for adult residents and visitors to our conservation village too.

Alison Evan & Erika Wood

The Historical Significance and Importance of Diseworth.

The settlement at Diseworth dates back to at least the Roman period, and is possibly much older.

The document of 967 AD shows that the land in Diseworth was being farmed at that date…..

…the village’s most celebrated scion, the 17th century astrologer, William Lilly…..

….fund the re-founding of Christs College, Cambridge in 1506. They remained landlords, increasing their holdings steadily, until 1920…..

Hedgerows provide valuable nesting and foraging opportunities for a huge range of wildlife, as well as offering fantastic song posts as shown by this Common whitethroat. They act as wildlife corridors and can also help reduce soil erosion. Hedgerow management has changed over the years and DEFRA are currently seeking your views on the future of hedgerow protection.

Diseworth on the BBC

Tony Roe from BBC East Midlands Today came to Diseworth to cover our latest Village Meeting to update residents on our plans to object to a forthcoming planning application as part of the East Midlands Freeport development.

Community Presentation

A damp night in November saw the Village Hall host our 2nd public meeting to update everybody on our opposition to the two planned major developments that would change the nature of our village for ever. Well over 100 people attended with BBC East Midlands covering the event on their East Midlands Today and Politics East Midlands programmes.

Social Channels are now active

Protect Diseworth is now live on Twitter and Facebook as we look to build a community of followers who support our cause and keep them informed throughout our journey.

Nick Rushton Resigns

Nick Rushton, the Leader of Leicestershire County Council, and our Ward Councillor, has dramatically resigned from his seat on the Board of the Freeport.

The Freedom of Information Act – a Toothless Tiger?

The Freedom of Information Act was designed to support open government. Protect Diseworth’s experience shows the opposite.

Nature on our doorstep

Sometimes we don’t appreciate the rich diversity of nature on our doorstep until it is under threat. Gaynor Laverick gives us a timely reminder of what we need to fight to protect.

Why are 250 acres so important?

As part of a mixed farm rotation including grass and other forage crops for livestock, this is what a single acre of arable land can produce.

A Protest Song

Every great Campaign needs a great Protest Song and our very own Neil Curling (the musical maestro of Incognosis and village resident) has written this one..